N o t r e É q u i p e


L é a n d r e A u c l a i r

Je ne suis pas entrepreneur de formation. Je ne suis pas non plus d’un âge à laquelle on devine une grande expérience de la vie. J’ai la jeunesse comme avantage, cette dernière s’accompagnant d’une énergie inépuisable, de la fougue et des idées.

Toutefois, ce projet-là, je ne l’ai pas bâti de mes mains seules et je ne l’ai pas porté sur mes épaules seules. J’ai eu la chance d’avoir des gens incroyables autour de moi qui ont donné de leur temps sans compter, qui ont donné des conseils essentiels et qui ont travaillé d’arrache-pied afin de m’aider à réaliser mon projet.

À ces gens, je lève mon verre ! C’est grâce à eux/à elles que j’ai la chance de vous accueillir à la distillerie et de vous faire découvrir le fruit de mes idées et de mes créations “éthyliques”. Sur ce, à la vôtre et à la nôtre, mais aussi au temps et au fait de profiter du temps que vous avons ! »

Président/ Co Propriétaire

G i l l e s L u p e n e s

Landing at Winery Organic was the fulfillment of a vision. I believe wholeheartedly in our mission and approach to wines because that’s how I like to live my life: simply and driven to excel. As Director of Hospitality & Sales, I am responsible for leading guest relations and helping grow the Flâneur winery. When I’m not traveling and forging new sales partnerships, you’ll find me splitting my time between hosting guest tastings and designing the Grain Elevator—or watching Seinfeld or playing guitar.
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Distillerie Cap aux pchs - Instagram Post 1080x1080 copy-Max-Quality (3)

A g a t h a D u f o u r

I’ve always been a wine drinker, but I’d never thought that I’ll ever be a wine maker. It all started with helping Bruno harvest the winery’s first vintage. I immediately fell in love with the process and decided to start working here full time. Never looked back ever since!

My knowledge of wine began in a small
Italian restaurant. The all-Italian staff painted a vivid
picture of what wine meant to them: family, memories, and traditions.


M a r t i n C a m p o

Growing grapes didn’t start as a passion for me; at first, it was just a job. But the more I did it and the more I learned, the more I became personally invested in the land and the vines. I found my calling being outdoors.

Rotating seasonal jobs took me as far north as Alaska, where I guided outdoor adventure trips and fished for salmon, and to the Southern Hemisphere where I worked in vineyards.
I made vineyard management my career and I’ve never considered anything else.
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